Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by
9:05 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hey i m back with this post: Well for the past weeks i was working at the same client's office from day till night at Shah Alam. My only complain about that place was the FOOD! its an industrial area so you coudln't expect any shop lots with restaurants nor even a cafe. Only CANTEEN food... and the food was....speechless...
My senior told me i would have to stay at that place for one more month and i was like...GOSH!
and finally due to some arrangement problems, i was brought to another client's place yesterday for field work and for the coming 2 or 3 days starting on Monday.
Heard of CROWN REGENCY SERVICe Apartment? Yea i work there lately... well complain about food here also. THere are night clubs all around the area so u can hardly see an open stall during the day and when we want to have our meals, we gotta walk some distance and there are only places like coffee bean, modestos cafe or secret recipe!...wakaka...gosh! so expensive isn't it? hehe...
Lets not talk about work anymore...well i just wacthed a movie GAME PLAN lately...not bad! Both The Rock and the small little girl's acting was impressive... Some people find it lame...but for me, after whole day of work, when u can relax, watch a movie and there are alot of funny parts in the movie which can make u laugh?!...thats good!...yeah!
Posted by
3:25 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Thank You
Posted by
4:28 PM
Well i m here with another post of my working life.
After few days of Stat audit, i m now given a chance to Audit some companies... of course not big corporate companies. Well audit is not as easy as wat we've learned in Paper8. This tells me something. . . In the real working life things are not as easy as wat i've expected. U think u pass audit in class and acca exams??(but b4 this u gotta know the fact that passing audit is very hard for everyone of us) but u'll fail when u start doing audit!? I really duuno what to do!!!
I spent my whole day yesterday from 9am to 630 pm just to audit Fix Asset and yet when i left client's place i still haven finish auditing fix asset and i have tonnes of accounts to audit...awh.....
But some of my seniors said : "u r so 'lucky' to have a company with fixed assets" get the point?
but i really sound silly cause i have to ask and ask almost every 10 minutes....lolz...
k la..tts all...
I heard that the acca classes were quite fun. Law is interesting. Today there's a partime class for us from 9am tp 830 pm...i wanted to go but the timetable shocked me....haha
its raining now...signing off...bye everybody...going for a nap i guess....
Posted by
4:19 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Statutory Audit
This is basically my first time listening to this term though i've been studying audit last semester. - Statutory Audit
Finally, today i have got something to do and i was sent out to my client's office with 3 other team mates to do Stat Audit.
This is basically an audit procedure before an audit takes place, where auditors have to go through all Secretarial Files, Book of Minutes and Book of Register. . . . It works like a PAF (Permanent Audit File) where we have to extract meeting minutes, annual return, issued share capital etc...
It was a bit tidous for me during my first two companies...but as i went on slowly, everything comes on smoothly...manage to finish 5 clients today where others are only done with 3 clients...hehe.... wakaka....
However, working at client's place = u can't go home on time. We left client's place at 630pm.
Client's office is very well designed and its a nice place. And it was really cool...we all shivered throughout the day...
ONe thing true is dat all clients hate auditors.
"You all auditors a?"
"When u all finish?"
"Tomorrow not coming rite?"
"Don't touch this a?!"
hehe.... why are we so "not welcome?" just stat audit only wat...gotta go now. got work to do.
~Enjoy class all my ex classmates...i noe u all started classes today...all da bez~
Posted by
9:23 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Status : Employed
Today is my first day working as an Audit Associate in BDO BINDER.
Well today what we did was basically some simple orientation session by some HR Staffs.
The SyUCians are the only one who are so call the undergrads... My goodness..and we are expected to have certain technical competance...shit! Our audit sux u noe? but luckily Karmini approached one of the official and told them our least not that bad.
Where shall i start with?
Erm...basically there are few things shocked me.
1. Staffs here are basically females...i supposed 80% of them
2. The common language used is Chinese.
3. Audit department is very messy
Guess what? I have no work to do the whole day. Just day dreaming.
We were all assigned jobs and seniors. Everyone is seperated. but only me?!...i got partner which is my classmate Philip. We are in charge of the ASB HOTELS...anyone knows wat is this?
I'll noe it by tomorrow.
Seniors are not around. Outstation. So no work. So we went to open a bank account in Public Bank for salary purposes. Guess wat? I m not eligible for the normal saving account!!!! They say i m underage so i gotta take the WISE account...for childrens one...wat a humiliation for someone who is now an employed guy!!! arghhhh!!!!
When i was back, my notebook was ready and thank god now i got something to do... online read some news, check mail and wait until 530 comes. Then balik rumah...
well i really hope we get some assignments to take charge starting tomoro?!...
Ciaoz...still excited!!!
Posted by
9:48 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
As usual i had a very crazy New Year EVe night. Didn't and couldn't sleep at all!
Went home about 9am this morning and start sleeping till now....4pm hehe
NewYear New Wish...
I m not greedy.. I just want to lead a happy and healthy life.
Hope all the ones i love also lead a happy and healthy life.
Wishing everyone here a wonderful year filled with prosperity. Have a great year!
Tomorrow is a very special day for me.
Special for many reasons...and one reason is that....
Tomorrow is a turning point for me.
I m gonna start my work at BDO.
Excited yet Nervous....
Posted by
4:30 PM