Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lesson learnt. Interesting.

I was eventually quite lost lately. Two days in a row where I ended up going back home at 1am which means I spent my whole day , approximately 17hours or more than that in my office. Today will be my third day. And I was told that we have to stay back as well. Well, since I am aware of that, I wouldn’t say much nor giving out any complaints.

Its like this:

Basically, during the first day of staying late in office, especially that late was quite fun and get a bit excited. Anyhow…SEcond day...when the clock strikes at 10pm. I was like…UH! When can I go home? I miss my bed…I miss my time watching dramas, chatting on MSN, relaxing, or maybe going out with friends or maybe joining my high school mates for discussions. All the negativities started bothering me.

“Am I going to take this? 5 years long leh! I am now only working for two/three days overtime which requires me to stay up till 1am and continue the daily routine the next early morning. I am already complaining…am I really prepared to stay with it?” I doubt so. I was really frustrated.

This morning, I was a bit late to work. Didn’t bother sitting dad’s car. Rather take bus so I can wake up 30 minutes later.

Anyhow, the questions above can all be answered after reading some articles and having a meeting.

“I am going to stay and I am going to stay with it!”

I was quite wierd lately cause i started reading all my Forwarded emails from all sorts of people. Cause i normally ignore everything. Maybe i was really tired and feel bored at times so since i don't have any other source of entertainments, i chose to read emails. But now i really know the benefits of reading it especially from one of my senior Wei Hoong. He had a chat with me lately just using email and i start reading all articles he sent me.

This is what he said to me in his email(last paragragh):-
Mark my words, you will never regret once you get your qualification at the end. You will be reward handsomely for the rest of your career life. Work hard and study hard. Do not think too much.

This is one of the article he shared with me about Stephen Covey. - 90/10 Principle
What is this principle? 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.What does this mean? We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic.We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%.

I couldn't afford to paste the whole article here cause its long but i can assure you, you will benefit from reading it. Go click on Principle 90/10 by Stephen Covey and you'll get everything.

But the conclusion is:
Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. We all must understand and apply the 90/10 principle.It CAN change your life!

So now i know all these frustration that i have and that can make me give up this route is actually my way of reaction that can be controlled. So as i still wanna lead this life i shall be happy and stay with it! Yo!