Saturday, May 31, 2008

Late post....

Few weeks before i did mention that my house had a small celebration for my aunt's 60th burfday?!...and are some photos took that day.

BAsically i gotta work that day so i went home had some snacks and wished my aunt and took some photos then ciao....haha....but at least i was there....

My aunt(the burfday GAL)...and working attire...

Aunt Mui, sis, Aunt WAh, Me, Granma and Granma...lolz

Denise(My "cousin"??? She claimed herself as my cousin...she's young but if u look in generation wise...she's my mom's can consider Aunty! haha...she's gonna read this and i will KENA soon....) and my the right hand side is Khai Shin .... very fun and happy go lucky aunt as well...She's an auditor once upon a time and that night we shared alot of our experience....

Me and Khai SHin playing with the cake! wakaka....

PS: to Denise: i didn't put that photo onto my blog. SO how r u gonna reward me?!..lolz