Monday, March 5, 2007


So sad that i couldn't be blogging these few days...this might be my last post for the week. Why? Busy?! Busy with wat? Look at this...

Look at this! Ms Geetha written there:
REVISION!(with exclamation mark)

Paper two's notes and text book....

This is worse! Paper one's noteSSSS...
question setSSS and text book.

As a conclusion, I(we) have to swallow everything
here by these few days...Can u imagine how much is it?!
...Information Overload....

This is all because this Saturday is our UK Finals...
So nervous la... Not really well prepared...
Anywayz hope god bless everyone of us(160 candidates of
CAT/Jan Intake 2007 esp Group 3...)...
All da bez to all my classmates and also..MYSELF..hehe..c ya!


carmen said...

good luckz corey....dont worry u so clever sure can swallow d book wan... =)

.// n i c k said...

yala corey. so smart. me la the stupid wan .. XD

Edgar Ng said...

die pls corey

Anonymous said...

Great to see you have a chat box now...

Please don't post all those things! Pressure...